Buy Goat Milk Powder

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Goat milk powder is goat milk that has been dehydrated leaving a dry substance. The powder comes in two variants: skimmed and full cream.


Buy Goat Milk Powder

Goat milk powder is goat milk that has been dehydrated leaving a dry substance. The powder comes in two variants: skimmed and full cream. Skimmed milk powder is the result of dehydrating skimmed milk, full cream milk powder the result of dehydrating full cream milk. After adding water to the powder, milk is made again with only a slight change in taste.

Standard specifications

Below our clear and standard specifications for full cream and skimmed milk powder.
Contact us for more detailed information:

Chemical characteristics

Typical values
Protein 27%
Fat 31%
Moisture 2.5%
Lactose 33%
Ash 6.5%
Cow milk absent (detect.limit 1% Ridascreen 5102)

Physical characteristics

Scorched particles disc A (typical, disc B maximum)
Insolubility 0.1 ml (maximum)
Titratable acidity 0.15% lactic acid (maximum)
Foreign matter absent
Antibiotics according to NL Food Legislation

Microbiological characteristics

Total plate count ≤ 10,000 g
Yeasts and moulds < 50 + 50 g
Coliforms not detectable in 0.1 g
Thermophilic spores ≤ 100 g
Spores of B. Cereus ≤ 100 g
Staph. Aureus not detectable
Salmonella not detectable in 25 g
Packaging Multiply paper bag with pe liner, 25 kg net.
Storage conditions The product should be stored in a cool, dry and dark environment.
Shelf life If properly stored a shelf life of 12 months can be guaranteed.



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